Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dylan and the bowl antic

Dylan at bambini

Dylan called out mama this morning! But , but , but......i was not there. So there is nothing to be too excited about till he realises the meaning...gambatte little chap!

But Little dylan has been soooo active recently that he fell sideways and hit the green slab of the learning house and scored an honourable bruise on his upper left cheek. on top of that, he knocked his head probably like 3 times over 2 days...sigh. i better keep a closer watch on him.

Anyway, brought him to GOGO BAMBINI at dempseys to meet Michelle and Gabriel this morning...plently of ang mos... some nice, some nasty and rough...pwah! Was a good workout protecting him and yet letting him go so he can learn his social and motor skills...Oh yes ,our Gabriel knows how to call me auntie now and not kaka. way to go boy!