Monday, November 26, 2007

Before his nap today, i brought out a tactile book for Dylan. He started kicking his legs excitedly and waving his arms... i know immediately i got his attention, and because i read with him so many times, he knows how to hold the book . One bummer is that he tends to bring the book to his mouth after he stares at the picture.Hahaha, cant be helped, guess he is teething , that is why. But i have noticed his attention span really develops since 1 month old. I started reading with him since 1 month , at the very beginning,he will just stare hard at the pic without being able to hold the book , after he is able to sit up with his back on my tum, he can hold the book, i always bring his fingers to touch the different texture in the book. i also make scratchy sound on the uneven surfaces to catch his attention. I realise nowadays he explores things ard him by stratching with his fingernails. Interesting huh? He does that to my face as well, and last night i got 3 fingernail marks on my face under my eye. Ouch, i tell you.

Dylan also started babbling audible consonants like dadadada, aaaaaaaaa....hopefully he will be able to communicate soon by saying da and ma and knowing the meanings :)

Regarding object permanance, he definitely is not as naive as before whereby when he reaches out for a thing like colourful tissue box, i take it away, he will just forget about it. Now, if i take it away, he will stare hard in that direction and protest a little while. Way to go boy!. That means more work for mummy. hahahaha

Brought him to Gymboree class yesterday, teacher and parents commented that he is quite tall, funny....perhaps maybe cause daddy was quite a big baby when young.

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