Wednesday, July 25, 2007

wah lau....damn tired. brought Dylan over to mom's place cus dear in hk. and no one will look after him at night. ....Me? No lah.....i look after him in the day , want to die already , where got energy to look after him at night.....( pardon my Singlish) .....the taxi ride from Gillman heights to Yishun cost $24 .....freaking ex. and it was a long journey.....

and then bb dylan woke up every 2 hours for feed, i think he is going through a growth spurt.....sigh. that means mama will get no sleep at night. So scared of his pacifier falling out of hs mouth , cus once that does, he will CRY!!!!!!!!!

OKIE....i brought my camera along , so i will be taking lots photos and upload them ....:D

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