Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Terror struck again.Doing some reflection after he threw a tantrum just now. Recently Dylan protests violently by crying at the top of his lungs when trying to make him sleep. Of course mom decides when he should sleep , not baby decides.---that's one rule of thumb when baby is older., unless of course baby is extremely tired.He used to take 4 naps a day, usually the longest one and half hour but recently he is dropping one nap and taking naps as long as 2 to 3 hours.The problem is when he sleeps past his milk time, but i make sure he does not miss his solid food meal time.He still wakes at 5 am plus to 6 am plus, and his wake time can stretch for as long as 2 to 3 hours instead of the past 1 half hour to 2...that means more job to entertain him. The saga that just happened was him crying furiously when he wanted to tap at the lap top instead of sleeping. I make the silly mistake of giving in cause i cldnt take the crying, and his expression immediately changed to a gleeful impish smile and coo when i put him on my lap and he even bounced up and down! Oh man...how stupid of me to give in!!!!After this, i decide i should start disciplining him more.Will start with curbing the whining....he whines nowadays when he wants something but cant get it cause he cant communicate. I will teach him how to sign---Please and teach him the meaning of NO---by squeezing him hand. wil do this over and over again until he learns. And if he continues the disruptive behaviour i will remove him from the place. I guess the corrective behaviour will start with stopping him from putting the wrong things into the mouth....Early parenting always start with restrictive and preventive actions rather that a persuasive speech.Will not let Dylan become a brat ....!

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