Tuesday, August 07, 2007

i am so very fatigued.... tres tres fatigue no matter how much me sleep . How come? Actually i wanted to go swimming cos the sun was good today but the tot of leaving Dylan w the maid , just made me feel guilty again. I always have trouble to psycho myself to go out and leave the baby w the maid. Oh yeah. I bought Prince hours....and Andang is also very addicted to watching it. must be careful,lest she watches it while i am out and look after baby, but not a bad idea, at least it will keep her in the living room WITH THE BABY... so then again , i might just leave the VCD there when i am out.

hiya. just realise i can make flyers and advertise my tution services in Gillman heights, but I AM GETTTING SO GODDAMN LAZY.;(. so angry at myself. i donnt why . let me reiterate, and Oh i am so sorry if you are reading this over and over again. MAMA IS SOOOOOOOO TIRED. and boy i am lucky that i have 2 other pair of hands looking after him. and thought one of the pair of hands (MIL)aint that much of a help , but still i appreciate it.

Ethan also came over today and created a mess when he spilled the basin of water onto the floor. HE has such itchy hands. and apparently all one year old are like that....Dammit. i will have to put off my job till Dylan is around 2, or either that i have to put him at my mom's place, where it is smaller, so it is not sooooooo dangereux and i can pick him up after work.... i think i will do just that. i trust mama. and by then DYlan wun have to drink milk every hour and ask to be carried. so i wun worry about tiring my mum out. Oh yeah. it is funny how i refer to my mom as mummy and now i have to call her popo infront of Dylan. HIYAH. not used to it....:(

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