Monday, November 13, 2006

okie...i had to eat dinner cus wl had to stay back in the office ...that means no one to eat dinner w me for the entire whole week cus he is going back to sg ... damn and that is not what piss me off. what piss me off is that that lady boss of his actually ordered 5000 hk dollars worth of pizza . what a waste!. damn 1 k of pizza for 15 people. huh!????? i mean yeah there were ang mohs but do they eat THAT much? BANKERS....just irritates me. argh.the way they earn so much and the way they spend. damn damn so unfair. no wonder the whole world wants to get into banking industry. cus that is where the money is. and WE KNOW IT. yeah... seriously.... if you have that much money , dun flaunt too much then you earn my respect. and since you DO EARN THAT MUCH . go do some volunteer work . ahah. am i asking for alot.?

sometimes when i pass bala or velvet , i ask myself ...are the same old dudes just gonna stay and hover ard there till they are 40( mind you ..... some of them actually are!)? used to hang out w a few of them and i realise that yeah . they were basically just winding down. but somehow....they actually also knew that they could not be doing that every fri. .. booze and gers. booze and gers. empty stuff. it is fine if you just hang ard for a few drinks. every one needs some company at the end of the day , esp when you are a swinging single living alone. but . the gers part.... could be scrape.

okie..... that's enuff of the topic.

i was in the tub just now thinking trying to let the reality sink in more. --- that i am a mom now. sigh. more responsibilities.....

here is a list that i made again...
a list of things that i stop/start doing when i am a grown up ....

1) i learnt to eat by myself in the public.....used to be shy. cus i always think people are staring..esp in NUS arts fac. but as time goes on , for survival sake , i had to eat. i learnt to eat in coffee shops during breaks between tuition.
2) i outgrown the love of the synthetic electronic organ and developed the love for the authentic original sounding piano.
3) i knew i must not go under the sun w/o sun screen --- but still lazy and forgetful to apply , and so i just helped my cells by not going sun tanning.
4) i adopted the love of just lying down on the couch or bed listening to music. not necessarily w any company or wine. ;)
5) i have grown the love for beer.----only heineken , calsberg , or jap beer,etc.BUT!!!!!not ever tiger. horrible tasting.and bien sur,...i have stopped now.
6) I HAVE NOT STOPPED---shopping, or started putting on moisturiser, or foundation --i think they will clog my pores, i have not learnt how to make my bed, and i am glad i am not living w my mom who nags at that,

more more... will add if i think of some more
7) i still have not stayed in park hyatt tokyo, gone to kyoto on my own , seen sakura, been to france, spain, greece, plucked any real berries , learned french and jap fully , mastered photography, cook curry and fish , and learned jazz i must not ever die yet. i have yet to named my kid. oh ya. and when i grow old -- like my mom . i must learn dancing again.

oh ya, this brought back the most horrible insult ---that i am ajack of all trades , masters of none... by that lim koon lan bitch who retired from rgps already . ( who never got married) you see gers who dun get laid and married by a certain age should be put down , because they can turn cranky ---just like the lady boss of wl who ordered 1 k of pizza. yeah . lim koon lan said that.-----cus she was wondering why ami alwasy so busy in rgps , and scramblin outta there at 1 pm always... my dear... that is cus the school dun pay me well and i have to work . and guess what i make a good lot of money outta it enuff to pay my bond and more, while also teaching my kids well in rgps. for you info ,... they are the second top class for english. and noooooooo. you dun look at that!!! you just look at what fame can i bring to rgps or if i am punctual for meetings. damn you . tight arse anal. i dun feel guilty at all. i do not owe you any explanation. and you dun deserve the 600 k pension the gov't pays you. dammit. so unfair.

crimson RED

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