Wednesday, May 02, 2007

hiyah so irritating. woke up this morning to see CSM drop to 1.40 .... back to square one. should have sold earlier...what ya mean by it can go to 1.6?? hiyoh...patience rite?

anyway.......zhai zhai seems a bit smaller this morning. he is already 34 weeks:) according to baby centre. his lungs are well developed he stands a good chance of survival if he were to be borned now...also came across stg regarding how to avoid episiotomy......ugh. and you are suppose to massage your vagina!!!not out side. but .....okie. shall not fill the details in . if you wanna read more click here... and mind you with vit e.......cant you do it with ky jelly or stg ??? hahahaha...i know vit e is good for skin. but to THERE!!!?????

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