Thursday, May 03, 2007

sleep sleeep sleeeeeeeeeeeeeep it off. hiyah. i have been sleeping like nobody's business and i dun like it! i sleep cause i cannot move ard much. i am not suppose to go out without a chaperone, and i cannot walk too much. well. cause my feet and ankles were swelling the past days when wada was here cause we went ard, but on wed when i stayed put at home the swelling din occur at all. sigh.----culprit was too much walking.hiyoh. how not to walk? i am so active one you know. and whole day ask me stay at home face my mom, i can go crazy.

cant wait. cant wait. i am like staring at the calendar too. cancelling off the dates meticulously, spreading out my chores so at least i have stg to do each day, otherwise sooooooooooo goddamn boring.:( sob sob. cant stand my mom--she is so money minded. everytime i need her to buy stg, she will be like money this and money that. give her 1 k still not enough hor. need how much? 10 k? think i need to give birth to some money too....

my highlight of my day is i am going to kk to see the gynae and bombard him w questions and hopefully get to see zhai zhai inside. poor bebe. today when the bamboo dropped onto the floor with a loud thud, i felt a jerk in my tummy...poor zhai. i am not overreacting. babies now can hear rather acutely ya know. the other times when my students accidentally knocked their chairs over, this little fellow also jerked...hmmm. so this mama started singing to him and stroking her belly. hope it helps..

oh man. RAIN ,...PLS STOP YA? si vou plair?

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